Starry Braids Quilt made by Tamara Darragh for Remi Vail Studio. Quilt is made from blue, mustard, and cream fabrics and quilted using the momentum pantograph.

Quilting Spring Magic: The Starry Braids Quilt

Hello, Friend! It’s Tamara from Remi Vail Studio, and today I’m thrilled to share with you the enchanting journey of creating the Starry Braids Quilt. This project is a beautiful blend of art and craft, drawing inspiration from the whimsical imagery of braided hair adorned with a spring flower crown.

The Inspiration

Designed by my wonderfully talented friend Delia, of @a_stitch_is_a_stitch the Starry Braids Quilt pattern captures the essence of spring's freshness and the playful spirit of flower crowns woven into braided hair. This unique inspiration brought an additional layer of joy and creativity to the quilting process, allowing me to weave a narrative as rich as the textures of the fabric.

Choosing the Fabrics

To echo the theme of spring and blossoms, I chose a soothing palette of sea glass, mustard, and cream. These colors reminded me of the early spring days, with mustard blooms dotting the landscape and the pale blue of a clear sky. The fabrics were all soft wovens, which made working through each piece a tactile delight.

Fabrics included Sprout Wovens from Fableism and Essex Linen from Robert Kaufman.

The Piecing Process

The quilt is traditionally pieced with a combination of HSTs (half-square triangles) and squares that come together to mimic the intricate patterns of braids intertwined with blossoms. Every square added was like placing another flower into the braid, gradually bringing the spring narrative to life.

Quilting and Finishing Touches 

I chose the Momentum pantograph for quilting, designed by Sew Shabby Quilting, which beautifully complemented the quilt’s thematic elements with its dynamic and flowing pattern. This quilting not only enhanced the visual appeal but also infused the quilt with movement, reminiscent of a breezy spring day.

My Juki longarm has been working overtime these days!

Reflections and Revelations

Creating the Starry Braids Quilt was a profoundly personal experience, connecting me with the origins of its inspiration and with fellow quilters eager to embark on this journey. It’s a testament to how stories can be told through the art of quilting, capturing moments of beauty and serenity.

If you feel inspired by the story and design of the Starry Braids Quilt, I encourage you to visit Delia’s website to obtain the pattern. Explore #starrybraidsquilt on Instagram to see how other quilters have interpreted this beautiful design. Whether you are just beginning or are a seasoned quilter, this pattern offers both challenge and delight.

Thank you for walking through this spring-inspired tale with me. Every quilt we craft tells a story, and I’m honored to share these narratives with you. Let’s continue to create and inspire, letting our quilts narrate tales of seasons, joys, and the simple beauty of life.



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